









第三,日本片只有宮崎駿的《神隱少女》入選,南韓電影卻有奉俊昊和洪尚秀的《駭人怪物》等四部作品入選,顯然,過去南年韓日電影的強弱態勢也反映在這份片單中,至於David LynchGus Van SantAlfonso CuarónMichael HanekeArnaud Desplechin Jean-Luc GodardClint EastwoodClaire Denis等導演亦都至少有兩部作品以上入選,亦堪稱是指標型導演了。




1.《穆荷蘭大道(Mulholland Drive)》 David Lynch, U.S., 2001 2808 points
2.《花樣年華(In the Mood for Love)》王家衛 Wong Kar Wai, Hong Kong, 2000 2687
3.《一一(Yi Yi)》楊德昌  Taiwan/Japan, 2000 1833
4.《戀愛症候群(Syndromes and a Century)》 Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Thailand/Austria/France, 2006 1738
5.《黑金企業(There Will Be Blood P.T.Anderson, U.S, 2007 1664
6.《拉札瑞斯古先生之死(The Death of Mr. Lazarescu)》 Cristi Puiu, Romania, 2005 1407
7.《暴力效應(A History of Violence)》 David Cronenberg, U.S./Canada, 2005 1303
8.《熱帶幻夢(Tropical Malady)》 Apichatpong Weerasethakul, France/Thailand/Italy/Germany, 2004 1301
9.《四月、三週又兩天(4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days)》 Cristi Mungiu, Romania, 2007 1249
10.《決戰新世界(The New World)》 Terrence Malick, U.S., 2005 1223
11.《站台(Platform)》賈樟柯, Hong Kong/Japan/France, 2000 1206
12.《索命黃道帶(Zodiac)》 David Fincher, U.S., 2007 1143
13.《心之潛蝕(The Intruder Claire Denis, France, 2004 1110
14.《兒子(The Son)》 Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne, Belgium/France, 2002 1089
15.《厄夜變奏曲(Dogville)》 Lars von Trier, Denmark/Sweden/France/U.K./Germany/Netherlands, 2003 1084
16.《隱藏攝影機(Caché)》 Michael Haneke, France/Austria/Germany/Italy, 2005 1083
17.《國王與王后(Kings and Queen)》 Arnaud Desplechin, France, 2005 1080
18.《大象(Elephant)》 Gus Van Sant, U.S., 2003 1036
19.《天才一族(The Royal Tenenbaums)》 Wes Anderson, U.S., 2001 1007
20.《愛在日落巴黎時(Before Sunset)》 Richard Linklater, U.S., 2004 1005
21.《神隱少女(Spirited Away)》 Hayao Miyazaki, Japan, 2001 1000
22.《艾格妮撿風景:兩年後(The Gleaners and I)》 Agnès Varda, France, 2000 985
23.《不散(Goodbye, Dragon Inn)》蔡明亮, Taiwan, 2003 975
24.《世界(The World)》賈樟柯, China/Japan/France, 2004 974
25.《悄悄告訴她(Talk to Her)》 Pedro Almodóvar, Spain, 2002 973
26.《內陸帝國(Inland Empire)》 David Lynch, U.S./France/Poland, 2006 960
27.《三峽好人(Still Life賈樟柯, China/Hong Kong, 2006 934
28.回首向來蕭瑟處Colossal Youth)》 Pedro Costa, France/Portugal/Switzerland, 2006 929
29.《俄羅斯方舟(Russian Ark)》 Alexander Sokurov, Russia/Germany, 2002 870
30.A.I.人工智慧(A.I.: Artificial IntelligenceSteven Spielberg, U.S., 2001 850
31.《愛之頌(In Praise of Love)》Jean-Luc Godard France/Switzerland 2001 834
32.《王牌冤家(Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)》 Michel Gondry, U.S.2004 832
33.《險路勿近(No Country for Old Men)》 Joel & Ethan Coen, U.S.2007 791
34.《鯨魚馬戲團(Werckmeister Harmonies)》 Béla Tarr, Hungary/Italy/Germany/France, 2000 778
35.《灰熊人(Grizzly Man)》 Werner Herzog, U.S./Canada, 2005 777
36.《最好的時光(Three Times)》侯孝賢, Taiwan, 2005 767
37.《珈琲時光(Café Lumière)》侯孝賢, Japan/Taiwan, 2003 761
38.《安那其戀人(Regular Lovers)》 Philippe Garrel, France, 2005 759
39.《極樂森林(Blissfully Yours)》 Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Thailand/France, 2002 713
40.《搖滾啟示錄(I’m Not There)》 Todd Haynes, U.S./Germany, 2007 703
41.2046》王家衛, China/Hong Kong/France, 2005 700
42.《范黛的小室(In Vanda’s Room)》 Pedro Costa, Portugal/Germany/Switzerland, 2000 654
43.《洛杉磯浮世繪(Los Angeles Plays Itself)》 Thom Andersen, U.《(S.《(, 2003 649
44.《千禧曼波(Millennium Mambo)》侯孝賢, France/U.S./Spain/Greece, 2001 636
45.《巴黎公社(La Commune (Paris, 1871))》 Peter Watkins, France, 2000 632
46.《危機倒數(The Hurt Locker)》 Kathryn Bigelow, U.《(S.《(, 2009 623
47.《登峰造擊(Million Dollar Baby)》 Clint Eastwood, U.S., 2004 607
48.《你那邊幾點(What Time Is It There?)》蔡明亮, Taiwan/France, 2001 600
49.《魔鬼情人(demonlover)》 Olivier Assayas, France, 2002 583
50.《失憶薇若妮卡(The Headless Woman)》 Lucrecia Martel, Argentina/Spain/France/Italy, 2009 581
51.《愛的俘虜(La Captive)》 Chantal Akerman, France/Belgium, 2000 580
52.伊斯特.康Esther Kahn)》 Arnaud Desplechin, France/U.K., 2000 579
53.《我們的歌(Notre musique)》 Jean-Luc Godard, France/Switzerland, 2004 562
54.《遠方(Distant)》 Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Turkey, 2002 559
55.《薩拉邦德(Saraband)》柏格曼 Ingmar Bergman, Sweden, 2003 553
56.《聖女(The Holy Girl)》 Lucrecia Martel, Argentina/Italy/Netherlands/Spain, 2004 550
57.你他媽的也是Y tu mamá también)》 Alfonso Cuarón, Mexico, 2001 537
58.《斷背山(Brokeback Mountain)》李安, U.S., 2005 537
59.《人類之子(Children of Men)》 Alfonso Cuarón, Japan/U.K./U.S., 2006 537
60.十段生命的律動Ten)》 Abbas Kiarostami, France/Iran/U.S., 2002 527
61.寂靜之光Silent Light)》 Carlos Reygadas, Mexico/France/Netherlands, 2007 527
62.《魔沼(La ciénaga)》 Lucrecia Martel, Argentina/Spain, 2001 511
63.《孩子(L’Enfant)》 Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne, Belgium/France, 2005 511
64.《星條旗的國度(Star Spangled to Death)》 Ken Jacobs, U.S., 2004 508
65.《紅氣球( Flight of the Red Balloon)》侯孝賢, Taiwan/France, 2008 498
66.《(RR)》 James Benning, U.S., 2007 491
67.《歡樂之家(The House of Mirth)》 Terence Davies, U.K./France/Germany/U.S., 2000 484
68.25小時(25th Hour)》 Spike Lee, U.S. 2002 469
69.巴黎日和35 Shots of Rum)》Claire Denis, France/Germany, 2008 460
70.《夏日時光(Summer Hours)》 Olivier Assayas, France, 2009 453
71.《駭人怪物(The Host)》 奉俊昊Bong Joon-ho, South Korea, 2007 441
72.《蘭花賊(Adaptation)》 Spike Jonze, U.S., 2002 438
73.《愛情不用翻譯(Lost in Translation)》 Sofia Coppola, U.S./Japan, 2003 435
74.痞子逛沙漠Gerry)》 Gus Van Sant, U.S., 2002 433
75.心之歸屬Private Fears in Public Places)》 Alain Resnais, France/Italy, 2006 430
76.夢遊冰雪地My Winnipeg)》 Guy Maddin, Canada, 2007 430
77.戀愛雞尾酒(Punch-Drunk Love)》P.T.Anderson, U.S., 2002 426
78.殘酷天使Fat Girl)》 Catherine Breillat, France/Italy, 2001 422
79.《神鬼無間(The Departed)》Martin Scorsese, U.S./Hong Kong, 2006 422
80.《遠離天堂(Far from Heaven)》 Todd Haynes, U.S./France, 2002 421
81.怵目驚魂28Donnie Darko)》 Richard Kelly, U.S., 2001 413
82.《割禮龍鳳鬥(Moolaadé)》 Ousmane Sembene, Burkina Faso/Morocco/Tunisia/Cameroon/France, 2004 410
83.《海邊的女人(Woman on the Beach)》洪尚秀 Hong Sang-soo, South Korea, 2006 407
84.《殺人的回憶(Memories of Murder)》奉俊昊Bong Joon-ho, South Korea, 2003 405
85.《鐵西區(West of the Tracks)》 王兵Wang Bing, China, 2003 398
86.《溫蒂與露西(Wendy and Lucy)》 Kelly Reichardt, U.S., 2008 395
87.此恨綿綿無絕期 Trouble Every Day)》 Claire Denis, France/Germany/Japan, 2001 390
88.《雙面驚悚(Femme Fatale)》 Brian De Palma, U.S./France, 2002 386
89.《二樓傳來的歌聲(Songs from the Second Floor)》 Roy Andersson, Sweden, 2000 386
90.來自硫磺島的信Letters from Iwo Jima)》 Clint Eastwood, U.S., 2006 379
91.《經典老爺車(Gran Torino)》 Clint Eastwood, U.S., 2008 375
92.《刺殺傑西(The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford)》 Andrew Dominik, U.S., 2007 374
93.《超脫未日(Last Days)》 Gus Van Sant, U.S., 2005 368
94.《沒有過去的男人(The Man Without a Past)》 Aki Kaurismäki, Finland/Germany/France, 2002 368
95.《決堤之時:四幕安魂曲(When the Levees Broke)》 Spike Lee, U.S.2006 360
96.燦爛時光 The Best of Youth)》 Marco Tullio Giordana, Italy, 2003 358
97.《追憶失落大門( Turning Gate)》洪尚秀 Hong Sang-soo, South Korea 2002 356
98.《二十四城記(24 City)》賈樟柯, China/Hong Kong/Japan, 2008 352
99.尋她千百度In the City of Sylvia)》 José Luis Guerín, Spain/France, 2007 352
100.《白色縀帶(The White Ribbon)》 Michael Haneke, Austria/Germany/France/Italy, 2009 348


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